Friday, July 31, 2009

Promises, promises

I now have 11 heads sculpted waiting for bodies and limbs!! I promise I will start finishing them up tomorrow!

Tuesday, July 21, 2009

Back from vacation!

Here is what I bought (along with only two pieces of silk) from Nancy's Sewing Basket in Seattle. I hope to use them all soon!!!
I am back now from vacation and I dusted off my work space! Does that mean I am back to work? Do you have to unpack first? My girls are in a cleaning mood and they are digging into the housework! So I am free to start the doll making engine again....where should I start?

Friday, July 17, 2009

My facebook page

I have been ignoring this blog since I put my facebook page up. The other reason is that I have been on vacation for the past few weeks....
I promise to write again as soon as I get back to work!