Sunday, November 9, 2008

The littlest angel

Over the weekend our church had it's annual craft and bake sale. Lots of people came!! It was pretty fun - I got there at 7:30 and didn't leave until 3. I made this angel doll for a drawing item. She is about 12 inches tall. We will be selling tickets until Dec. 5th. It was hard to go small but maybe I will do some more so it will come a little easier.
I may do a few more versions of this angel and put them on my website. We'll see if I have time....
Well, one week ago it was 70 degrees, today it is 25. I bought some Ugg boots to keep my feet warmer. It feels like I just plod along with them on. I prefer to wear something that lets me walk FAST.
Today I am going out to buy a little baby gift for my niece - her first baby girl!!
Talk later.....

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