Monday, October 11, 2010

It seems like....

It seems like there was something I was supposed to do today.......good thing for notes....written by child who needs an x-ray.....
But there was another thing....oh, yes, the giveaway...but that was supposed to happen last week. Oh, well, better late than never.
So Beth gets a set of greeting cards...I know she didn't actually "comment" except to hit "like" on Facebook but that counts this time since I got so few comments.
So thank you to all of you! I sold two dolls this weekend! Go to The Dollery for their online show that will be posted until sometime in November.


Laura said...

Who needs an xray and why?

Sarah Niemela said...

Hannah for a fracture in her heel. She has been complaining for a while now off an on....
She is so funny - Jr. told her that her heel and calf muscle were swollen. I found a picture on my camera card with a shot of both of her heels! She just had to see for herself I guess.