So now......what? The Cernit I bought back in April is bad. No clay to start anything new. Five dolls to consider revising before photo shoot tomorrow..... Still one doll to dress.... So it doesn't matter if I have no clay, right? Except that I haven't sculpted for so long...where would I start? Oh, wait...I just thought of something... I still need a piece of something on the bodice of this outfit....
out come the dye bottles again.... Colorhue silk dyes...gotta love them. I hate it when i don't have the perfect trim but it's okay to get creative I guess. Let's try something...
So here is the Venice lace I dyed earlier paired with another trim that started out light pink and bronze. It's okay... But this one has a little more punch. I'll go with this one. Maybe. Or maybe I will go for a run...
Turning my trusty van northward Hannah and I navigated the heavy I-5 traffic to Sister C's on Lake Tapps. She has a wonderful house (which her and hubby designed and built) and it overlooks the beautiful lake. She never fails to cook up something wonderful and she did it again! (Plus she lets me share the sushi - something none of my other siblings would eat I bet.) After a dinner of shrimp and beef kabobs we took the boat out for a nice cruise of the lake. Another hour north I dropped off Hannah at her cousins and went to my MIL's house. She lives in Snohomish. The next day was spent waiting for my not-so-trusy-van that wouldn't start but sometimes started to be diagnosed. After a new starter was put in it was ready to roll. Supper that evening was spent visiting my two SIL's at Macaroni Grill. A very good time. Friday my dear husband arrived via Delta!!! Was a glorious day! Of course he took me to my favorite Seattle fabric store: Nancy's Sewing Basket which a person could spend the day in and come out with way too many projects. I bought a few piddly pieces of white silk splendor and some trim to match. I've got to find more wholesale sources...... Saturday brought us to Ashley's confirmation. It was so nice to see the kids and know that they were well taken care of for those days at camp.
In the afternoon we of course had to go to another waterfall. This time it was Snoqualmie Falls. We had hoped to go to the bottom but it has since been closed up. We last went there in about 1974! Leaving Seattle on Sunday morning we made our way back to Whitefish so hubby could see the our little family there. We will be back someday to stay longer, Heather. As we were going out Aaron and Anita were going in! So they will be busy this week! Now we are home - ready for the next stage in life. Our son moves out tonight - all the way to Sask. Canada. It's weird. But somehow I suppose I will get used to it. We leave for his wedding next week so maybe I will get this studio cleaned up and ready to roll for fall. Maybe. First I get to go see another new grandchild: Felix Anthony!!! Better get to work.
This morning I will zip down Sister A's driveway and down the mountain to Brother's house to pick up baby Hannah then careen back up the mountain to Sister B's house to follow her back down the mountain and up a different mountain for a brunch invitation! After that my trusty old van will head north on I-5 to Sister C's mansion on Lake Tapps. Hopefully the elusive sun will appear and we can have a few hours by the beautiful lake. After a delicious supper (I am pretty confident in Sister C's cooking skills) I will hit 405 to Snohomish to stay with my dear MIL. And tomorrow......don't know yet! But Friday....dear HUSBAND flies in......can't wait!!! Back on the road Saturday or Sunday with a stop back in Whitefish! I may not be able to write much more now until I get back home early next week. Was a fun few days here! Hopefully I will get back again soon. Thanks, Sister A (Beth) for all you've done for me! You still are the superwoman I have always said you were!
This is how vacation feels!!! Love that beach and the sand that gets everywhere! But looks like I only get a few hours on the Pacific this time. This little girl calls me "grandma". I must look like one. She lives in Phoenix and gets a little mixed up when it comes to "snow angels"! Now for those who don't know "Longview" it is a town in southern Washington state that sits on the Columbia River. Since the town was built on logging and has several mills on the river it always has the odor of the mills. Well, it used to be worse way back when. We used to say: "Longivew and Kelso smell so." I have come here ever since my sister moved here way back in 1973 and got married. I moved from Minnesota in 1974 but went to Seattle. My younger brother came out as did two more sisters. My brother married my sister's husband's first cousin and another sister married his brother! My other sister moved to Seattle where I was and lives there still. I married my sweetheart in Seattle and we lived there for nine years until we moved to Minnesota. I didn't plan to tell my family history but now you know why I come to Longview as often as I do! And if you are confused, don't worry, so am I. Now Longview is basically flat surrounded by these hills which my siblings decided to settle on. The three of them live on the same hill but there are not any roads that go across the tops of the hills. To get there you first have to make a left turn into mid-air. It takes lots of practice and these natives manage to do it at about sixty MPH. It's kind of like bungee jumping only you are not tied down. As you careen down the hill you make a series of turns up and down through the woods with a mountain on one side and a ravine on the other. You do all this and still maintain your speed of 60 MPH. There is never anything stalled on the road behind each curve in the road. To get to sister A you have to find a small dark opening between the towering trees. As you go up into the dark the driveway suddenly goes straight up. It is always a dilemma for the car. Should it keep going up or give up and go down? How much gravel is okay to spit out behind you? Should I add to the potholes or not? Sister B lives above the clouds. On her part of the hill you speed upwards still at 60 MPH. But there are more bends that go every which way up, down, left, right, backwards and sideways until you level off and then try to decide which look alike driveway might be hers. Brother lives not as high as Sister B. But you still have to go down each hill of Sisters A and B to get to his hill before you go up again. It's manageable because I never come here during an ice storm. And they live here so I have to come here. And I am never sorry I came! I am off to Seattle today or tomorrow.....
Megan and Heather McDonalds - a must for all grandparents. Even if you don't like McDonalds it is important to take your grandkids there. I found the only humid spot in Whitefish - the playplace. It was horrid. I suffered through it because the kids had so much fun! Don't tell Heather that Alex picked up a french fry from the floor and ate it.
Let's see, where did I leave off?? The week I spent with Heather and family was just what I schedule, no deadlines, beautiful weather, hiking, being with grandkids, sitting at the beach with no worries, holding my precious newborn grandson, and, yes, even vacuuming and scrubbing! Heather and Conor love Whitefish and I can see why. Hope to be back soon! Megan went east to Minnesota while Hannah and I continued westward. We left at about 8 am and headed for I-90 southwest to Longview, Washington. We listened to "Hattie Big Sky" for the day and I didn't fall asleep at the wheel! It was a long day - we stopped in Spokane for lunch, had ice cream at the vegetable place near Pasco, hiked the Multnomah Falls on the Columbia Gorge and got into town about 9 pm.! My brother Danny and his daughter Linnea made me do a run with them EARLY Sunday morning! I pooped out on them - couldn't get these stiff legs to keep going. Oh, well, it was still fun! After church on Sunday we went to the beach - a destination that is required when you come here - no matter the weather. So now after another EARLY morning walk (uphill - I swear my feet will be permanently pointing uphill forever) I am going to teach a bead class! So I guess I better get going... The clouds didn't dampen our spirits and we spent an enjoyable day there!
Okay so.....we left Livingston KOA a loooong time ago and began our second phase of this westward trip. Megan Hannah and I (Ashley stayed behind to head straight west with her cousin) drove the six hours to Whitefish MT. We turned north out of Missoula heading to Flathead Lake. Just a mile or two from the freeway we turned a corner and encountered some BEAUTIFUL mountains that you can't see from the freeway!!! After an hour or so we first saw Flathead Lake and we followed it for most of the trip! Beauty!!! It is huge!! We finally found my daughter Heather's place and was very warmly welcomed by her little cherubs who began to run around the yard when we pulled up!! It's so fun to be a grandma!! We met sweet little Owen Williams - only two weeks old! Darling! (Of course.) Kayla, Jed, Alex and Meg - Precious! (Of course.) This week has been busy enjoying this young family and some of what this area has to offer. I took a couple of hikes - so fun! We went to the lake, did the alpine slides (Jed, "Oh, man what a ride"!), took the chair lift, hiked some more, shopped, took lots of pictures and tried not to let Heather get too tired. Now Hannah and I leave tomorrow (Megan goes back home with friends) for Longview WA. It is a ten hour drive - do you think I can do it?? I will be on the freeway most of the way. We will stop when we get bored or tired and hopefully stay awake!
My sisters! Our evening bonfire....don't worry, the little kid is farther away than you think.... Hikes to the waterfall! A Susan tale...
Maybe I can load a few more pictures today while this household is napping. This computer takes it's jolly time so we'll see. These pictures are still back at the Livingston KOA campground where my family had their reunion. We were celebrating my dad's 80th birthday. All of my siblings made it there so we had some special times together. More later.....
I made it to my family's reunion in Livingston Montana and now I continued westward around beautiful Flathead Lake up to Whitefish. So much beauty surrounds this place. And I even found a bead store pretty close. Tonight we do some more shopping.... Will post pictures soon - stay tuned. Tomorrow I go hiking, can't wait!!!
Violet stew? Could be. Can we wear them? In Montana. The day before my big trip and I finally dye the shirts we have to wear for our family reunion!! But they got done and now are in the washing machine. I am hoping the dye won't all run down the drain. If I listed everything I still have to do today you would get too bored so i will tell you that I can still multi-task. I have tons of anxieties about doing this trip and not having my wonderful strong smart protective handsome husband along. He tells me I will be fine. I just have to get that tire from keep going flat. So later today or early tomorrow morning I will head northwest to North Dakota and that long ribbon of highway. I am taking three daughters and a van full of stuff that I probably won't need. If I had an internet phone I could keep you posted all along the way! Maybe I will have to try out Dave's new phone once we get to the campground. Wish me luck today that I get everything done!
Here is my older sister, Beth! We spent the weekend together at our annual church services! I had a wonderful weekend and now we both will meet again in Livingston Montana next weekend with the rest of our siblings and our parents!!! I will then continue northwest to see one of my newest grandbabies, Owen Williams! Then I will head Southwest to Beth's house in Washington State! Then north to Seattle before heading home again....... Once I am home for a week or so it will be North west again to Sask. Canada for my son's wedding. And for some wishful thinking I will head Southwest to Colorado after the wedding to see baby Louise Miriam!! My head is spinning now - just think what it will be like after I do all that. I better go back to bed. After I get this next doll done. And oh, yes, check out Beth's Etsy for her beautiful baby blankets, clothing and stuff!